Monday, July 7, 2008

Trojan soldier in the making

This is my first project that I have tried from my birthday present, Creepy Cute Crochet. I thought I would make my nephew some of the cute dolls from this book for his 2 year birthday. I think he would like playing with them, and bugging his older sister with them. Well, I decided to start with the Trojan Soldier. I thought I would make several of the different soldiers from the book and a few monsters for the soldiers to fight. Turns out, the Trojan Soldier is level epic, meaning advanced. While I consider myself an advanced crocheter, this wasn't hard, it just took time to figure out the pattern. The author writes the patterns in a different way from most other crochet patters (I've heard others say this as well about this book). Now that I've worked through it, the others should go fast. Here is a picture of the pieces; you can't see them too well, but there is a dismembered head and body, helmet and crest that will be sewn onto the helmet...fingers crossed, tomorrow I will have sewed up all the pieces and put him together =) Now I want to keep him for myself...

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