Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mr. Groundhog, Please Don't See Your Shadow and Hide

The past two days the sun has been out. Well, not shinning bright and warm. Just no rain. I went on a walk yesterday and took the trail that goes along the green space across from our house. We moved into our new house in December. With all the rain and cold weather, I have not had a chance to explore the trails around our neighborhood. I discovered there is a small creek with a cute little bridge going over it. There were birds starting to flutter about and with all the trees bare of leaves, I saw many nicely built nests. I also stumbled across a neighborhood playground! One of the trails leads out into another neighborhood and low and behold, down the street was a nice playground. Someday I will take my kids there (when I have them!).

Today I want to go the opposite way on the trail and see what I discover! What is around your neighborhood that you might not know about or have discovered?

Monday, January 25, 2010

...And It Continues!

Who knew that my OWN pattern of Luna Lovegood's Lion Hat would be such a hit? This really inspires me to create my own things even more than following a pattern. This will be my fourth time making it now, and the last time I think I perfected the pattern (3rd times a charm!) and wrote it all down to follow for the future. I'm so excited! This new year is looking great so far! I will be re-working my Etsy site this week to have listings for the same hats but in infant-child as one listing and teen/adult as the other listing of the same hat. This is what seems to be working with the Luna Hat, let's see if it works for the others!

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Official Etsy Item SOLD!

Well, I've been selling my hats pretty steady October through December to people I'm friends with on Facebook and at school (I'm a teacher, teachers are always having babies and like to buy cute hats). Oh- the Facebook friends. I have 300 "Friends", but in real life, like 2. Counting my husband =) Anyway, orders have been steady. I've gotten a lot of people looking at my hats on my Etsy site, and today I got my first order through Etsy! Someone bought my Luna Lovegood's Gryffindor Quidditch Lion Hat!! It's for her teenage daughter who loves Luna. Tomorrow I go to the yarn shop to get the wool (it was closed today which was driving me up a wall! I wanted to start!). This is a great sign of starting of the new year! Thank you!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Knitters Are Nice

So, I don't think I mentioned that I am a part of the Harry Potter Knits and Crochets House Cup on Ravelry...or did I? Anyway, I am a first year Hufflepuff! I have only turned in one assignment for this month for this term. I turned in my Luna Lovegood Gryffindor Lion Hat for Charms. The assignment was to make something funny or ticklish. Well, who wouldn't laugh seeing someone wear this lion hat? And I'm pretty sure when you give someone wearing a hug while wearing this hat, the mane will tickle the other person's nose.

Anyway, to get to my post title, Knitters are nice. Not only on Ravelry, but in real life, too! Today the husband and I went to the movie theater, but had to go an hour early to get good seats even though we already had our tickets days before. So, I took my knitting. I happened to sit next to a lady who is also a knitter! She didnt have her knitting with her, but we talked knitting and soon became friends! She also works in an elementary school. I gave her my card so that we could keep in touch. I hope that we keep in contact, she was so nice!

I don't think of myself as outgoing. I tend to be shy- it took me a long time in our conversation to even tell her I sell myself online and give her my card! Knitting has helped me to be more social- what can seem like a very solitary thing, is actually very social. I go to knitting nights not only to knit, but mostly to socialize and talk about knitting AND everything else with others! I used to go to Yarn Yoga at a local craft store, but it stopped about a year ago. I haven't been to another group and I really miss it. So, one of my goals (resolutions) is to find another knitting group where I belong and feel a part of. I think I'm going to try my LYS this week. I'll let you know if I make it =)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Finished Projects!

I made my own pattern for Luna Lovegood's Gryfinndor Spirit Quidditch Lion Hat (wow, what a mouthful of a title!). I made it way too big. How did I do that? I thought I had tried it one before I added the ears and mane...but something happened! hhhmmm...

Anyway, I just flipped up the brim. It's not like I'll be wearing it everyday, ha. Probably just for school when we have crazy hat day or favorite book spirit days. However, if I make this again for any special orders, know that it will be made to size correctly! Infant through child sizes $30 and teenage through adult $35. This hat costs a little more because it has more details and materials.

Another hat I finished was my Baby Yoda Hat. It was my first felted project. I think it came out so cute! I got the pattern from ravelry. I am currently making a baby Yoda sweater/robe. I only have the sleeves to make and then sew it all together.

I need to add stiffener to the ears to make then stick out on their own.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ravelry Harry Potter Knits and Crochets

I am a first year, first term (winter)...Hufflepuff!!! Yay! This is the house I wanted to be sorted into. So, all the professors say not to do too much your first term. This month I think I will do potions class. The assignment for January is to make something scary. I think I will make a Dark Mark messenger bag. But I'm thinking I may do crochet and felt it. Even if I don't do crochet, I am going to felt it I think. The only thing...I don't have these colors in my stash, and I don't want to buy more yarn because it goes against my "Make Do and Mend" new year don't know what to do. I will have to think about it, but I can't wait too long because I only have January to come up with something for class and to turn in and earn house points. You should check this great idea out on Ravelry!